Chasing Joy: Adventures of the Birding Immigration Lawyer

Welcome to my new blog! Chasing Joy: Adventures of the Birding Immigration Lawyer.

The Covid19 pandemic transformed me. It transformed me into a bird and nature photographer. It transformed me into a new version of myself that I sometimes do not recognize. Instead of stressing about all the various hats I wear in life- mother, wife, lawyer, employer, business owner, community leader, bar leader and more, I take them all in my stride because I find myself chasing joy- joy through the love of birding and photography.

It was a gradual process of simply taking in nature in my backyard. I write about this process in my article “How Birding Made Me a Better Lawyer” published in my Above the Law column which was reprinted by AILA, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, and Practice Source. I wrote another article for AILA titled The Birding Immigration Lawyer which you can read here.

I haven’t documented all my bird counts to date, but I am confident that I have had Big Years in the last two years. I have been inspired to update my Ebird checklists more regularly thanks to some of my new birder friends. If you have not watched the movie The Big Year, I highly recommend it! Steve Martin, Jack Black, and Owen Wilson’s comedy is endearing, enlightening, and for me, inspiring and educational.

I’ve maintained a blog at my law firm since 2008 where I write about immigration updates and many of the community activities I undertake. However, I have not had a consistent place to write about my bird sightings, the beautiful parks and wildlife sanctuaries I visit, the dramas of nature and animals that unfold before my lens, and most importantly, the wonderful people I meet on the birding trail. I love that the birding community is so friendly and welcoming. I generally introduce myself as a hobbyist bird photographer and don’t talk about the law or immigration. I feel anonymous and free!

This blog will journal my birding adventures (and likely some author updates and activities!) around the United States and the world.

I would love for you to join me on this adventure!


Chase the joy, but don’t touch the monkey!